So I’m 26 weeks pregnant and am crabby as a Mother Trucker. I picked up some stuffy nose bullshit, my Dad can’t stop talking about vacations around me and all I want for Christmas is JUNE! I hate wishing time away. but right now I am in the Land of Funk Me! Winter usually doesn’t get me down because I’m usually on a plane headed South, several times. Last year we took Ruby to Key West and I pumped my tits on top of some ghetto-docked boat floating in the ocean. It was great. I was boozy, relaxed, warm and peaceful. Sure, it was a little nuts taking a 7-month-old on her first trip, but I love a good adventure.

Pregnancy is the longest adventure ever; it’s a daily battle of “This is so fun” to “WTF is wrong with me? I am psycho.” I’m not bored, I’m not even that tired, I’m not very jolly, I’m just slowly counting down the weeks ….repeat SLOWLY. Someone recently said “It seems like you just got pregnant.” I was like, “No honey! My last cocktail was 6 months ago, and that was the last time I remember having fun.” Ok, I’m kidding a little. I’ve had fun over the past few months but it’s not the LIVE IT UP FUN that had me pumped AF to start this blog.

I had an idea blogging while pregnant would be a little different than I envisioned when planning this masterpiece of an idea. I took a poll on IG the other day and apparently people are still loving it. Thank you for the support and for following along! I love all your comments, feedback and text messages, especially when I reveal some juicy stuff – like getting steamed up over copycats! That was a fun week!! For the next few weeks, new blog posts will continue to roll out on Friyays! I will continue to keep you posted on this journey and I want you to know right now that MORE FUN is ahead! I promise! The good old LIVE IT UP days are right around the corner – just 14 weeks away!

For those who commented on IG, here’s what’s people want to see (if you missed the poll, definitely comment here with your ideas). The biggest thing people love about my blog is the realness, meaning the “authentic Megan who gives no fucks.” Since pissing everyone off around me is really easy these days, I have no problem keeping my real voice alive. People want me to talk about fitness and nutrition; I’ll bring these topics back as we start Revenge Body 2020. This will happen after my crotch heals and I get a breastfeeding schedule on point. Right now I’m eating whatever the fuck I want. And because I preach no sugar, I can’t bring myself to lie and write any posts about eating lean protein and smoothies. I haven’t touched a smoothie in weeks. Every day I think, “I should have a smoothie loaded with vegetables” and then a handful of trail mix sounds 100 times better, easier and quicker. I want to be clear: eating whatever I want is still probably healthier than 70% of the general population so for those curious folks here’s my usual food intake during this pregnancy:

Breakfast: 4-5 a.m. 2 pieces of PB & Jelly Ezekiel toast, 2 giant cups of coffee with Vital Proteins.

Breakast #2: depends on the day but usually 2 eggs, smoked salmon and cashews…maybe more coffee.

Snack: currently obsessed with Mint Chocolate Perfect Bars

Lunch: Most days it’s soup (sure, cream-based, broth whatever)

Snack: Hummus and some hearty chips (Did you see Ruby eating hummus on my IG story if not, watch below!)

Dinner: Don’t care, Marcus picks. Pizza, stir fry, popcorn, chicken. See; it’s not great but not terrible.

I’m not craving anything right now except sunshine! And YES – I still work out 5 times a week for sure! I’m killing it at the SIU Holiday Hustle and I’m foam rolling every night to loosen my ass and hips. I’ve gained 17 pounds; I think my clothes look terrible on me and naked looks funny. I was walking around in the buff today and Tevi said “Looking good!” Like I swallowed a bowling ball! Do you want to see a pic?

+17 pounds

Other things people want to me to keep blogging about:

*More about Ruby

*Specifically, how we got her to sleep like a Rockstar

*Work life/balance

*What my day looks like top to bottom; how I get it all done

*Business stuff

*All things real

*More “juicy stuff” and how I deal!

I’ll do my best to please you – my followers, fans and online friends! Until next time, stay warm, hug someone and remember … I need socks and dry erase markers for Christmas!

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