If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I am enrolled in a 9-month Awaken & Rise program. If this information is new to you, well, here are the details about what the hell this program is. Somedays I think I know what’s going on, and other days I seriously think WTF! Help me, I’m so lost. My coaches are true ballers; they have really lit lives! If you follow them on social media, it’s like they are often on vacation, manifesting amazingness and journaling 24/7. I am jealous AF, I want this life – the coolest part of the program is they tell me I can! I can have anything I fucking want. So again, one day I’m like “k, cool, I’ll manifest the shit out of that, journal, mediate, breathe, put the sail up and flow.” And then, shit, I’m exactly where I was yesterday – up at 4:15 a.m., slamming coffee, headed to kick some ass and then back to mom-boss life with a busy young toddler. I’m not complaining; my life is pretty fucking awesome, too. But you’ve heard me say it before, “I WANT MORE!” Which is why I’m in this program.

To have all the things you WANT and more, you have to do “the work!” You can’t just think, “I want to start a business,” while you’re working a 9 to 5 job you hate and you expect a business to show up at your front door. Hmmm, unless I start a company like Hello Fresh, but instead, it’s “Hello Entrepreneur” and I literally mail you a business kit.I think I’m on to something. No, this is not my next business adventure but man, maybe it should be.

Anyway, if you want to start a business, you have to DO THE WORK! First, start journaling about creating the perfect business before it even begins! Then start living in the energy of how owning that business would feel. Daydream about it and journal more. Let the universe give you signs. Once you start creating the business, even if the business is in your head or on paper, the exact things you desire or need will start to show up – you just have to trust! For example, when I was starting SIU (before it was even named) I wanted to start personal training on my own. Magically (seriously, it was) while working out at Snap Fitness, the owner asked me if I wanted to use the space to train “my clients” for free. In exchange, he paid me to sign up members and keep the club clean. I had the idea I wanted to start taking clients on my own, but I didn’t know exactly how to do it. And just like that, I had a space and a paycheck to top it off. Like magic, the Universe works for you when you let it. This is called living in the flow! Think for a moment: something naturally flowed into your life and it felt like magic! I have tons of examples! When you trust, the flow seems to show up faster. My coaches live in the land of magic flow. I come and go from “trusting super flow” to “yo, this blows.” This Awaken & Rise program is my ticket to stay in the magic land of flow. It’s easy to stay here if you can keep your vibes high, and remove the limiting beliefs or living in fear, judgment or a lack of mentality. (This is where the work comes in.)

I’ve been doing a lot of “work.” I’ve been spending time manifesting home upgrades and finally they are happening. I’ve invented another business while allowing the Universe to show me the way, but often I am lacking trust so it’s taking me LONGER than I want to launch. Opportunities with Shape It Up keep coming and I’m really try to let it flow, let if flow, let it flow. But some days, I get stuck in the land of fear. It’s a good thing I have friends with encouraging voices; I literally just got a text that said “rip the Bandaid off.” I needed that text because it launched me out of fear as I had to make an important phone call. My voice was shaking as I spoke, but it’s done. Step 1, check! Moral of my story: I’ve been pretty occupied lately and, because my teachers say “You aren’t the same person you were yesterday pretty often,” I thought it was cool to skip a Monday post and work on the “work.”

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